Honda Trials History Hall of Fame Friends and Honda People Photocall. Send me your pic at Peter Gaunt XL250 JafferiesKlive N Mills, @Andrew Mills Honda S90Sammy Miller Honda 305Marland Whaley @Pat Criou RTL305Rob Shepherd ©Pat Criou RTL 305Brian Higgins RTL 305Iroshi Kondo ©Kondo TL200RIITommy Sandham ©Sandham TL250Nick Jefferies Jefferies HondaEddie Lejeune ©John Moffat RTL270SWSteve Saunders © Iain Lawrie RTL270SWEdmonson RTL270SWKojiro Mori Honda S90Kiyoteru Hattori @Iain Lawrie RS250Masaya Yamamoto RS250TA YamamotoSteve Macqueen Elsinore 250Nick Holt ©Iain Lawrie RS200Ichiro Kuroyama ©Iain Lawrie RTL250SJohn Shirt Jr. RTL270SW ex-SaundersMartin Lampkin ©Iain Lawrie RTL250S PinkIkutane Toshiyuke RTL250Takumi NaritaJohn Moffat RTL360 Ex Lejeune (Caillou)Joan Forrellad RS250TJean Caillou RTL360Olivier Barjon Honda 305Patrick Pissis RTL360Carlo Ramella RTL360Miquel Cirera Cota 247Bartorilla, RTL370SWPatrick Frei TL250Pat Criou SamoensStephan Zache TLM50Alba Villegas (j.Forrellad’s RS200T)Piers Dillon TLR250David Andres TLR250Justin Norek XL250 ElliotMiquel Roig TLR250 ©Joan Valls